Tag Archives: Little Tokyo

Sunday Afternoon at the Art Book Fair

Printed Matter L.A. Art Book Fair at Geffen Contemporary at MOCA on August 13, 2023 photo by Liz Ohanesian
Inside L.A. Art Book Fair at Geffen Contemporary at MOCA on August 13, 2023. (Photo: Liz O.)

Late in the afternoon on the final day of Printed Matter’s L.A. Art Book Fair, the line outside of MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary stretched to the Japanese American National Museum. I had just stumbled upstairs from the Little Tokyo Metro station and across 1st Street, which was closed to traffic and lined with people hanging out on the sidewalk. That had nothing to the with the book fair though. It was also Nisei Week and the parade was set to start soon. But, I didn’t know that at the time. I just saw throngs of people,  flashed back to the years in which I reported from Anime Expo and San Diego Comic-Con and groaned. 

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Go Hear Carl Craig’s “Party/After Party” Installation at MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary Now

Carl Craig "Party/After Party" at MOCA Geffen Contemporary Los Angeles Liz Ohanesian
You won’t see much more than a few lights inside “Party/After Party,” but you’ll hear, and feel, a lot.

On April 16, “Party/After Party,” the sound installation from esteemed DJ/producer Carl Craig, opened at MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary in Little Tokyo. I interviewed Craig for Southern California News Group prior to the opening, which you can read online. (If you don’t have a subscription, but do have a Los Angeles Public Library card, log in through the LAPL portal to read it.) However, I didn’t get to walk through “Party/After Party” until this past week. It was both an incredibly familiar and unusual experience. 

Continue reading Go Hear Carl Craig’s “Party/After Party” Installation at MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary Now