Tag Archives: indie dance

Here Are My Top 10 Albums of 2023

Composite of album covers for top 10 albums of 2023 from DJ Liz O. Includes cover images for Taleen Kali Flower of Life, Grey Factor, 1979-1980 A.D., Optometry After-Image, Decisive Pink Ticket to Fame
Included in my top 10 albums of 2023 are (top row) Taleen Kali “Flower of Life,” Grey Factor “1979-1980 A.D.” (bottom row) Optometry “After-Image,” Decisive Pink “Ticket to Fame”

I don’t know if the annual “best of” lists are necessarily fair. There is still a virtual pile of 2023 albums on my Bandcamp wishlist and running list in my head of albums that I need to hear. There are likely new albums from bands I follow that I don’t know about because, well, you know how social media works these days. Then there are the albums and bands who aren’t even on my radar, but will be next year, or the year after that, or maybe a half-decade down the line. Still, I made a list of my top 10 albums of 2023 that include music you may have heard in my DJ sets IRL, on Mixcloud or a few of the radio appearances I’ve done this year.

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L.A. Music Events: December 15 – December 20, 2023

Koi No City at Hello Stranger in Little Tokyo Los Angeles with Stephanie Yanez, Polartropica, Tune in Tokyo DJ

I don’t have any club gigs this week, but you can catch me on Sunday, December 17 in “The Conversation” with Mike Regalado at 8 p.m. on Boyle Heights radio station KQBH. It’s a talk show about music, so tune into 101.5 FM if you’re in Boyle Heights or listen online outside of the neighborhood to find out what we discuss. As for actual L.A. music events, I have some suggestions for those of you who aren’t heading to Crypto.com Arena (ugh, can they change that stupid name soon?) to see Depeche Mode this weekend. Keep reading for more info.

Continue reading L.A. Music Events: December 15 – December 20, 2023

Here are My Top 10 Jams for 2023

Dance floor at Club Underground with DJ Liz O. at Grand Star Jazz Club on Friday, November 3, 2023 (Photo: Liz Ohanesian)
The crowd at Underground.

With only a handful of gigs left for this year, I figured that now is a good time to post my top 10 jams for 2023. Technically, these aren’t all songs that came out this year, and my top pick I actually started playing in 2022, but they all made an impact on my DJ set in 2023. Check out the list below and I hope to see you on the dance floor soon. 

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Here’s What I Played at Club Underground on November 10, 2023

Sign at Club Underground in Los Angeles that reads:
Underground x Interpol 
Room 1- Turn on the Bright Lights
Loads of Interpol, post-punk, indie, Britpop, synthpop, dark/new wave dance party (80s-today) w/DJ Larry G.
Room 2 — Antics
Post-punk, indie, Brit pop, synthpop, dark/new wave, goth dance party (80s -today) with DJ Liz O.
Underground loves you!!
I forgot to take pics last night, save for this one of a sign in the stairwell.

I don’t know what I’m most grateful for tonight. Was it the people at Club Underground who danced to the brand new Confidence Man tune? Was it the person who admitted listening to Confidence Man, who released one of my favorite albums of 2022, because of my sets? (BTW, Confidence Man is at the Echoplex on December 2.) Or, was it the trio who listened to my rant about how Chumbawamba were the working class heroes we needed, but we didn’t deserve them and now we’re stuck with capitalist icon Taylor Swift? Maybe it’s all that. 

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Here’s What I Played at Dum Dum Records 2 Year Anniversary Party at Gold Diggers

Photo of Taleen Kali live at Gold Diggers in Hollywood for Dum Dum Records 2 year anniversary party on November 9, 2023. (Photo: Liz Ohanesian)
Taleen Kali live.

Last night was the first time I played Gold Diggers, which is a small music venue/hotel/recording studio on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood that’s filled with disco balls and good vibes. It was Dum Dum Records Second Anniversary party and Taleen Kali had asked me to DJ alongside Ann Eliza for the night. So, this was also the third event with Taleen that I’ve played this year. (I DJed for shoegaze night at the band’s Harvard and Stone residency and at the Flowers of Life album release afterparty back in April. However, it was, Taleen noted late in the night, the first where we both ended up on the dance floor at the same time. It was also initially going to be the first time Ann Eliza and I DJed together, but we both ended up playing Vidéothèque’s reopening party last month. 

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This Week, Head to Dum Dum Records’ Anniversary Party at Gold Diggers and Interpol Nite at Club Underground

Dum Dum Records 2 Year Anniversary Party at Gold Diggers Los Angeles with Taleen Kali, Bysts, DJ Liz O., DJ Ann Eliza Thursday November 9, 2023

Thanks to everyone who started off this week at Disco Matinee with Jus’ B, Jen Rock and me. I have two more gigs this week– Dum Dum Records Anniversary Party and Underground’s Interpol Nite– and hope you can make it out to one or both of them.

Continue reading This Week, Head to Dum Dum Records’ Anniversary Party at Gold Diggers and Interpol Nite at Club Underground

I’m Back at Club Underground on Friday, November 3

Flyer for Club Underground at Grand Star Jazz Club in Chinatown, Los Angeles with DJ Larry G. and DJ Liz O.

It’s only Monday, but I’m posting to remind you to make your plans for the weekend now. This Friday, November 3, I’ll be back at Grand Star Jazz Club for another round of Larry G’s long-running indie dance club Underground. Tickets are available now on Eventbrite, so scoop up yours as soon as possible.

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Here’s What I Played for Club Underground’s Halloween Party on October 27, 2023

Club Underground Halloween Party at Grand Star Jazz Club in Chinatown, Los Angeles on October 27, 2023 (Photo: Liz Ohanesian)
Dancing to Blue Monday at Club Underground’s Halloween party 10/27/23 (Pic: Liz O. )

Sometime before 11 p.m. I had to take off the blazer. I had tried to hang longer in the Battle Royale costume, but the dance floor upstairs at Grand Star Jazz Club was already full and it gets pretty warm behind the DJ gear. Advanced tickets for Club Underground’s Halloween party had sold out and, from what I could tell, people showed up early and ready to party. I don’t even know what to say about last night except that the energy was high and people were down to dance to anything, as you can probably see from the set list below. See you back at Underground on Friday, November 3. Happy Halloween!

Continue reading Here’s What I Played for Club Underground’s Halloween Party on October 27, 2023

Here’s What I Played at No Controles! on October 19, 2023

Halloween decorations at The Offbeat Highland Park Los Angeles October 19 2023 Photo: Liz O.

It’s zombie boyfriend season! There are a lot of Halloween-friendly songs I love, but my absolute favorite (or, at least, my favorite that isn’t part of a horror more score) is “Mi Novio Es Un Zombi” from Alaska y Dinarama. It has one of the best music videos ever. You think it’s just a concert clip, with Alaska bouncing around stage in a very fierce outfit singing about her boyfriend’s bad teeth and yellow eyes and then— all of a sudden— Freddy freakin’ Krueger pops out of the crowd, mingles with the band and starts caressing Alaska with this slasher movie hands. Just watch the video. And check out my playlist from No Controles! at The Offbeat, the first of what will probably be a handful of times I’ll play “Mi Novio Es Un Zombi” in the next week or so. 

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L.A. Music Events: Friday, October 20 through Thursday, October 26

Dolce Vita Italo Horror Disco Suspiria Flyer The Mermaid Tuesday October 24, 2023 with DJ Liz O. and D.J. Alex Arias

This week, you can catch me playing a few records at Vidéothèque’s Opening Party on Saturday evening, sometime between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Plus, I’ll be at The Mermaid on Tuesday, October 24 to drop an even spookier Italo Horror Disco set than the one I played earlier this month. But, there’s still a lot more than that happening in the next handful of days. Keep reading to see what my L.A. music event recommendations are for this week. 

Continue reading L.A. Music Events: Friday, October 20 through Thursday, October 26