Tag Archives: Homage Brewing

Found at the Record Fair: Marc Almond “Melancholy Rose” 12″ Single

Marc Almond "Melancholy Rose" 12" single on vinyl
Marc Almond “Melancholy Rose” vinyl 12″ single

At Sunday’s Lovers Market at Homage Brewing in Chinatown, I stopped by the one record vendor who I try to always visit. I don’t think I’ve ever walked away from this booth empty-handed because there’s usually at least one crate loaded with legit cool ‘80s club 12” singles, a mix of everything from post-punk to Italo disco to hiNRG that’s geared towards DJs rather than collectors. While I was digging, I came across a Marc Almond single that I instantly wanted to buy. 

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In Sheep’s Clothing x Japonesia Is the One Record Fair I Try Not to Miss

In Sheep's Clothing x Japonesia Summer Market, July 28, 2024 at Homage Brewing in Chinatown, Los Angeles. (Photo: Liz Ohanesian)
In Sheep’s Clothing x Japonesia Summer Market at Homage in Chinatown on July 28. (Pic: Liz O.)

I almost regretted leaving my igloo on the last Sunday in July. It was hot af and I was still a little tired from the previous night’s DJ gig at Nocturno, but the In Sheep’s Clothing x Japonesia Summer Market was happening and that’s the one record swap that I try not to miss. So, I twisted my hair up and butterfly-clipped it, like at least 75% of longhaired L.A. this summer, and headed out to the brewery for a dig. 

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Digging for Vinyl at In Sheep’s Clothing x Japonesia x Homage Record Fair

Crates of vinyl at In Sheep's Clothing x Japonesia x Homage record fair (Photo: Liz Ohanesian)

The marimba from Señor Coconut’s cover of “Trans Europe Express” reverberates down Elmyra Street, about half a block away from Homage Brewing. I recognize the song instantly because there’s a copy of the 12” single that’s been in my collection for more than 20 years. It was something that I loved on a conceptual level— German producer moves to Chile and releases Kraftwerk covers in various Latin American music styles— but also turned out to be a useful record to own if you like people asking “What is this?” when playing all-vinyl bar DJ gigs. 

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The Record Fair I Almost Missed Because Social Media Sucks

Michael Quatro and Melba Moore albums found at an In Sheep's Clothing record fair at Homage Brewing in Chinatown, Los Angeles
Michael Quatro at Melba Moore records found at the In Sheep’s Clothing x Japonesia Night Market at Homage Brewing in Chinatown (Photo: Liz O.)

In July, I wrote a story for LAist about how there are loads of cheap or free concerts happening in L.A., but finding out about them has become increasingly difficult because social media sucks and local music coverage is virtually nonexistent. It was a popular story. I ended up talking about it on LAist radio twice, including a spot that ran on Morning Edition. Loads of people told me they were having the same issue finding out about shows. Someone even came up to me while I was DJing at Underground and mentioned reading it. 

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